Dr Kalam administers 11-point oath to school principals

Nation building with moral leadership is

the mission for Principals: Dr Kalam

* Principals Educational Conference-2013 concludes with thought-provoking and inspiring speech of Dr A P J Abdul Kalam
* The researcher-innovator par excellence asks teachers to allow students generate questions
* Educators must exercise moral leadership in schools, says Bharat Ratna recipient and former President of India

Staff Reporter
What is erudition? What is virtue of goodness and purity of life? How do these values look like if they were to exist in a physical form? Thursday late afternoon brought answers to these questions, with ‘Bharat Ratna’ Dr A P J Abdul Kalam arriving at Chitnavis Centre here for valedictory function of Principals’ Educational Conference-2013.
The man of vision and action, brought with him the purity of thought. The message he wanted to deliver was clear and simple. The topic for his talk itself was a message ‘Nation Building with Moral Leadership: Mission for the Principals’. He appealed the principals -- whom he called ‘teachers of teachers’ -- to be a good teacher, a good thinking individual, a good human being, and a good moral leader to inculcate these values in students to build a strong future leadership that will build nation.

Dr A P J Abdul Kalam lights the traditional lamp to mark inauguration of the valedictory function of Principals Educational Conference-2013 in Nagpur. Also seen are Vijay Phanshikar, Editor of 'The Hitavada' and Principal Advisor of the conference; Dr Mrunalini Dasture and others. (Pics by Satish Raut)

How much respect does Dr Kalam command could be sensed by a standing ovation given by the audience on his arrival at the venue. On his arrival, Mayor Prof Anil Sole and Convenor of the Principals’ Educational Conference (PEC) Dr Mrunalini Dasture welcomed him. On the dais, Dr Kalam first garlanded the idol of Goddess Saraswati and then lighted traditional lamp to mark formal beginning of valedictory function of three-day PEC-2013 organised by South Point School. Chairman of Desh Gaurav Social and Educational Society Dinanath Dasture, Principal Advisor of PEC and Editor of ‘The Hitavada’ Vijay Phanshikar, Dr Mrunalini Dasture, Prof Anil Sole, Co-Convenor Rasika Dasture, and Managing Director of Sunbeam-Nobel Publishers Rajesh Ghai also shared the dais on this occasion.
The former President of India Dr A P J Abdul Kalam, who has interacted with 16 million children and millions of teachers in last decade, recalled his teachers Siva Subramaniam Iyer, Prof Thothatri Iyengar and others, and said that teachers like them radiated knowledge and purity of life. “Once that is learnt, syllabus is over. There is nothing more to learn,” he said. The gathering of principals from different states of India as well as from Singapore, could sense that there was a great thought behind every small sentence he spoke. As his speech progressed, the awe and respect for him in the audience multiplied collectively. The result was very obvious -- whatever he spoke percolated deeply into the hearts and minds of the gathering of educators. What else is inspiration but sincere words igniting commitment to action in right direction?
Commenting on the aspirations of the youth today, Dr Kalam said that the voice of the youth was unique and strong in articulating their vision and dream and they were willing to work for it. “Everyone dreams of living in a prosperous, happy, peaceful, and safe India. The combination of prosperity, happiness, and peace always have to come together. When all three of them converge, India will truly be a developed nation,” he observed. Highlighting the role of teachers in shaping the children he said that teachers themselves should be role models for students.
Erudition lies in explaining complex things in a simple manner that will touch the heart. Dr Kalam masters this art. He said that everyone goes through four stages in life -- child, teenager, adult, and leader. A child asks what could one do for him/her, teenager says that he wants to do a particular thing alone, an adult wants to do a thing together, and a leader asks what could he/she do for others. “This transformation from ‘what can you do for me?’ to ‘what can I do for you?’ is transformation of a child into a leader. Here, Principals have got a tremendous role to play,” he said. To effect this transformation in a child, a Principal has to be a visionary with a capacity to inspire.
Touching to the theme of the conference ‘Back to Black Board’ that relates to going beyond the brief and rediscovering the basics of education, the celebrated scientist and thinker said that thinking should become one’s capital asset, no matter whatever ups and downs one comes across in life. “Thinking is progress. Non-thinking is stagnation to the individual, organisation, and the country. Thinking leads to action. Knowledge without action is useless and irrelevant. Knowledge with action brings prosperity,” he said.
The ‘Missile Man of India’ also asked the educators to exercise moral leadership if schools and educational institutions had to meet the challenge of the 21st Century. He appealed to them to develop a vision of an educational environment in which students can grow more autonomous through the very act and process of learning.
On this occasion, Mayor felicitated Dr Kalam with shawl and memento on behalf of the city of Nagpur. Dr Mrunalini Dasture presented the scientist-poet with a beautiful collage-portrait of over a 1,000 small photographs of Dr Kalam arranged together to form his large image on canvas. The portrait was prepared by Pratim Sharma. Dr Dasture also presented a memento on behalf of PEC to Dr Kalam.
Earlier, Dr Rajiv Mohta introduced Dr Kalam. Principal of Jain International School Anmol Badjatia compered the proceedings gracefully while Rasika Dasture proposed a vote of thanks. Students of M S B Educational Institute made a wonderful presentation with the band, and teachers of South Point School presented a welcome song as well as ‘Saraswati Vandana’. The programme concluded with national anthem.

‘Encourage spirit of inquiry in students’

Dr A P J Abdul Kalam urged the teachers to teach in a manner that would put the students decades ahead. To put the students ahead, students should be encouraged to generate questions. “Every question is important. Do not nullify questions of students. Allow them to generate questions,” he said while sharing an anecdote from the life of Sir C V Raman. He stressed that certain capacities should be built in students. These include capacity for research or inquiry, creativity and innovation particularly the creative transfer of knowledge, capacity to use high technology, capacity for entrepreneurial leadership, and the capacity for moral leadership.

‘Righteousness in heart brings peace in world’

Making the teachers realise their vital role in nation-building through moral leadership, he said that righteousness was one virtue that brought peace in the world. To etch that point on the collective psyche, Dr Kalam shared a spiritual hymn with them and asked them to repeat after him. “Where there is righteousness in the heart, there is beauty in character; When there is beauty in the character, there is harmony in the home; When there is harmony in the home, there is an order in the nation; When there is order in the nation, there is peace in the world,” he said.
All the teachers and principals followed him in one voice and changed the quality of atmosphere from being a valedictory function of a conclave to a beginning of a new chapter in education.

11-point oath for teachers

A master-teacher that he is, Dr A P J Abdul Kalam administered an 11-point oath to all the teachers present at the valedictory function of Principals’ Educational Conference-2013. He asked all the teachers repeat the oath after him, and like a class of obedient students all the teachers and principals responded in unison with all earnestness. Here are the 11 oaths that Dr Kalam administered to the teachers:
* I love teaching. Teaching will be my soul.
* I realise that I am responsible for shaping not just students but ignited youths who are the most powerful resource under the earth, on the earth, and above the earth. I will be fully committed for the great mission of teaching.
* I will consider myself to be a great teacher for I can lift the average to the best performance by way of my special teaching.
* All my actions with my students will be with kindness and affection like a mother, sister, father, or brother.
* I will organise and conduct my life, in such a way that my life itself is a message for my students.
* I will encourage my students to ask questions and develop the spirit of enquiry, so that they blossom into creative enlightened citizens.
* I will treat all the students equally and will not support any differentiation on account of religion, community, or language.
* I will continuously build the capacities in teaching so that I can impart quality education to my students.
* I will celebrate the success of my students, with great elan.
* I realise by being a teacher, I am making an important contribution to all the national development initiatives.
* I will constantly endeavour to fill my mind, with great thoughts and spread the nobility in thinking and action.

‘Let us go beyond the brief, beyond the classroom, behind the classroom’
Principal Advisor of the PEC and Editor of ‘The Hitavada’ Vijay Phanshikar made introductory remarks and spoke on the thought behind organising the PEC.
The idea of the conference was to go beyond the brief and adding value to the education scene. Explaining the theme of the conference this year ‘Back to Black Board’, he said, “Black board is the most basic tool of teaching. Teacher is part of the black board but it is the student who uses it. The theme has been chosen carefully to evoke the basic thought of education devoid of fashion or unnecessary paraphernalia.” He said, the purpose of the conference was to go beyond the brief, beyond the classroom, and behind the classroom.
Informing the gathering about themes of previous conferences -- Total Quality Management in Education, School: The Last Frontier, Let Me Sing My Own Song -- and the deliberations that took place in the past two days during the conference this year, Phanshikar said that 75 per cent of 350 entries received for Nachiketa Awards this year talked of the idea of forming smaller groups of students inside large classrooms. Speaking more on the idea of biennial PEC, he said, “PEC wants to make Nagpur focal point of world in educational thought, and to encourage collective thinking for common vision.”

Dr Kalam presents Nachiketa Awards In all, 21 teachers from different schools were honoured with Nachiketa Awards for their contribution to the thought in education, during the valedictory function of PEC-2013. Dr Mrunalini Dasture said that the awards were being given to promote innovative thinking among teachers so that students benefited out of that. Dr Kalam presented the awards to teachers.
The teachers who got the awards included Manjusha Thakre (Bhide Girls School), Jayashree Bhake (G H Raisoni Vidyaniketan), Reena Dargan (Ira International School), Jyotsna Chavan (N K Academy), Anurag Pande (Suyash Convent), Rajinder Kaur (Rajkumar Kewalramani Kanya Mahavidyalaya), Shraddha Kepapure and Pratibha Madan (South Point School, Onkar Nagar), Suchitra Aggrawal (South Point School, Hanuman Nagar), Ganesh Mitpalliwar (Dnyanpeeth English Medium School, Anjangaon Surji), Veena Narayanan (Yashoda English High School), Priyanka Bobade (School of Scholars, Wardha), Sudha Bokade (South Point School, Hanuman Nagar), Sakshi Suryawanshi (Bhonsala Military School), Arti Markande (Royal Gondwana Public School), Shruti Ohale (Maharshi Vidya Mandir, Bhandara), Smita Begde (South Point School, Hanuman Nagar), Vaishali Dakhole (Somalwar High School, Ramdaspeth), Rupali Dey (Modern School), Sandip Dautpure (Somalwar High School, Nikalas Branch), Bharti Khanzode (South Point School, Hanuman Nagar). 

(Published in The Hitavada CityLine on December 20, 2013)


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