Rahul Gandhi addresses local body representatives at Sewagram

History buried those wanting to finish Congress: Rahul

* Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi addresses national meet of party members elected to Panchayati Raj and municipal bodies
* Calls ensuing Lok Sabha as a ‘battle of ideologies’
* Stresses on need to think about MPLAD Scheme as funds provided under it are ‘inadequate’ for a Lok Sabha constituency

Staff Reporter
SEWAGRAM (Wardha), Jan 24: During freedom struggle, the then All India Congress Committee (AICC) top heads had come together at Sewagram and had finalised strategy for Independence under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. Years after, in Independent India, AICC Vice-President Rahul Gandhi addressed a national convention of Congress members elected to Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and municipal bodies on Friday.
The convention was organised to draw up ‘People’s Manifesto’ with inputs from Panchayat and municipal body members of Congress party. Rahul used this occasion to send a ‘message of change’ to party members and said ‘Hum Sab’ have to work for this. He also commented on opponents of Congress. “Many have claimed and tried to finish Congress over the years. But, history buried them. Congress is not merely an organisation but also a thought of brotherhood, integration, and inclusivity,” he said.
AICC General Secretary and Maharashtra In-charge Mohan Prakash, Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee (MPCC) President Manikrao Thakre, AICC Secretary and Maharashtra Joint In-charge Shyoraj Jeevan Walmiki, Wardha MP Datta Meghe, Ministers of State Rajendra Mulak, Ranjit Kamble, and Satej Patil accompanied Rahul Gandhi during his visit to Bapu Kuti in Sewagram, and at the programme in which he addressed the delegates from across the country.
Rahul Gandhi also took a dig at ‘a thought bent on harming’ the brotherhood and integrity of the nation. He asked the party workers to go to the last man of the society and make him aware of this. “Remember, the ensuing Lok Sabha election is not a normal election. It is a fight against an ideology. If all Congress workers resolve, ‘that’ ideology will not survive,” he said. He also pressed for decentralisation of powers to the level of Sarpanch. Congress is of the view that a common man should have the right to know what the Government is doing and hence it has passed a revolutionary law like Right to Information Act, he said.
On the issue of quota for women, Rahul said that Congress had made a commitment to reserve 50 per cent seats in Parliament and Legislative Assemblies for women and it will keep the word. He said, “Our party has been trying to increase participation of all the sections of the society including women, tribals, Dalits, minorities, backward classes, and youth in decision-making process.”
Speaking on the exercise of preparing ‘People’s Manifesto’, Rahul Gandhi elaborated that a committee of select individuals was preparing party manifesto previously. “Now, we are trying to know what do people want. The manifesto will be prepared based on the people’s aspirations and it will be implemented too,” he assured. Similarly, candidates for Lok Sabha and Legislative Assembly elections will be finalised after taking the process to the last worker of the party. The rights to decide candidates in 15 Lok Sabha constituencies in the country were delegated to office-bearers and elected representatives at local level. If the concept works out, it will be implemented across the country, he added.
Lending voice to the frustration among MPs about ‘inadequate’ funds under MP Local Area Development (MPLAD) Scheme, the Congress Vice-President said that MPs faced problems in carrying out developmental works in a Lok Sabha constituency from the meager allocation.

Published in The Hitavada main edition on January 25, 2014

‘Congress fighting the ideology
that killed Mahatma Gandhi’

Mohan Prakash also spoke on this occasion. He flayed the Opposition for doing nothing concrete in empowering India. Mahatma Gandhi had putforth the concept of Panchayat Raj, late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi furthered the concept by granting Constitutional status to PRIs. “The Opposition want neither decentralisation of power nor Mahatma Gandhi’s thoughts. There is no need to tell as to which ideology killed Mahatma Gandhi. This so-called Indian ideology did what the British Rulers did not,” he said. Hence, he said, Congress was fighting not against a political party but against the ideology that challenged basic values of Indian independence.

‘Congress will win highest
seats in LS poll in Mah’

Making introductory remarks, Manikrao Thakre said that Maharashtra never patronised communal thought and this was indicated in the recently held local body elections. In Lok Sabha election also, Congress will win the highest number of seats and strengthen AICC chief Sonia Gandhi and Vice-President Rahul Gandhi.

Delegates make suggestions
for People’s Manifesto

After the convention, in break-out session, Rahul Gandhi also interacted with Panchayat and local body members. Over 200 delegates from across the country participated in the session and putforth their views on the people’s aspirations and manifesto. A member suggested to start Urdu medium anganwadis in Maharashtra. Another from Kerala suggested to include National Rural Information Technology Mission in manifesto. Delegates from North East, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh also expressed their views and made suggestions for manifesto while highlighting local situation in respective areas.


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