Legislative Assembly: First week review of winter session

Assembly Review The ‘spell’ of routine and a ‘miracle’ on the Bill By Kartik Lokhande The first week of winter session of State Legislature this year was more of the same, once again. There were only a few changes indicating break from the routine in Legislative Assembly. The most important being lesser adjournments and more emphasis on legislative business from both the sides. The most important business of the first week was passage of Anti Black Magic Bill. With the referendum on Vidarbha statehood being conducted on Monday, it will be interesting to watch intensity of the main Opposition constituent Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in following up the demand of statehood to Vidarbha. The second week may see more stormy developments with tabling of Adarsh scam report. The Opposition may press for tabling of Kelkar Committee report on backlog removal, and report of Special Inquiry Team (SIT) headed by Dr Madhavrao Chitaley on irrigation scam. As far as the fir...