By Kartik Lokhande
was the only word that best described the sentiment of voters who could
not find their names in the electoral rolls during the recently Lok
Sabha elections. Several voters had Electoral Photo Identity Cards
(EPICs) but could not exercise their franchise because of problems with
electoral rolls.
Then, rough estimates had pegged the voters’ names missing from
electoral rolls at a whopping 60 lakh. It had prompted Election
Commission of India also to assure some action. Many voters had the same
experience during the election of Graduates’ Constituency of
Legislative Council in Nagpur Division. With the announcement of
Legislative Assembly election likely to be made soon, the issue of voter
registration, corrections, and having as-perfect-as-possible electoral
rolls, has again occupied the place of significance.
After receiving complaints from voters that they could not cast their
vote because their names were missing from electoral rolls, Election
Commission of India (ECI) has taken certain steps to prevent such
occurrences and has issued detailed instructions for prevention of wrong
deletion of names from electoral rolls.
Further, the ECI has announced a schedule for ‘Special Summary Revision’
of electoral rolls in Maharashtra, Haryana, and Jharkhand. The rolls
are being revised with reference to January 1, 2014 as the qualifying
date. Accordingly, the special campaign started from June 21 (Saturday)
and would continue on June 22 (Sunday), followed by June 28 (Saturday)
and June 29 (Sunday). Deputy District Election Officer (Nagpur)
Pradeepkumar Dange said that the voters should take advantage of this.
Of course, the main focus will be on new voters or first-time
Here is a look at what the voters should do to get themselves enrolled,
or effect corrections in details pertaining to their names in the
electoral rolls etc:
Search if your name
is in electoral rolls
of all, the voters should keenly go through the draft electoral rolls
for respective segment of Legislative Assembly. Under the special
campaign, the draft electoral rolls are displayed on the websites of
Chief Electoral Officer, Maharashtra --
-- and the link to electoral rolls is also available on the website of
District Collectors. For instance, the website of Nagpur Collector -- -- has a link to the rolls.
Fill up appropriate form
If your name is in the electoral rolls
and all details are correct, nothing to worry about. But, if your name
is missing or any detail pertaining to your name is incorrect, you
should obtain necessary information about which form should you fill up.
If you want to include your name in the electoral rolls, you should
fill up Form 6. For inclusion of names of overseas electors, one should
fill up Form 6A. In case of objection on inclusion of names, Form 7 is
required to be filled up. To effect correction of entries in electoral
rolls, there is Form 8. And, for shifting within Legislative Assembly
segment, one has to fill up Form 8A. Of course, requisite documents will
have to be attached with the appropriate forms.
The first-time applicant, who is 18 years of age
or more, or a person shiffting his/her place of residence outside a
constituency in which he/she is registered, may fill up Form 6 to get
enrolled as new voter.
Interestingly, application for inclusion of name can be filed throughout
the year even when the revision programme is not in progress. During
non-revision period, however, application must be filed in duplicate.
The application should be addressed to Electoral Registration Officer of
respective constituency.
The applicant has to furnish various details including name and age with
requisite proof, sex, date of birth with documentary proof, place of
birth, name of father/mother (in case of unmarried person) or husband
(in case of married woman). While writing the name, caste and honorific
appellations like Shri, Smt, Kumari, Khan, Begum, Pandit should NOT be
As far as age proof is concerned, applicant has to attach a birth
certificate issued by municipal authorities or district office of
Registrar of Births and Deaths, or Baptism certificate; or birth
certificate from the school (Government or Government recognised) lasst
attended by the applicant. In case of applicants born on or after
January 26, 1989, only the birth certificate issued by the respective
municipal authorities or district office of the Registrar of Births and
Deaths is acceptable.
In case of illiterate or semi-literate applicant, who is not in
possession of any of the above documents, he/she is required to attach a
declaration in prescribed format by either of the parents already
included in the electoral roll in support of the applicant’s age.
Schedule for Special Summary
Revision of Electoral Rolls
* Draft publication of electoral rolls -- June 9
* Period for claims and objections -- June 9 to June 30
* Special Campaign dates -- June 21 and 22, June 28 and 29
* Disposal of claims and objections -- July 15
* Updating of database -- July 25
* Final publication of electoral rolls -- July 31
Published in The Hitavada 'Sunday Sundae' feature page on June 22, 2014 |
ECI’s answers to a few of voter queries
Q. If I am working and living in a particular city (for instance, Nagpur), can I be a voter in my native village?
No. If you are working in Nagpur and residing there, you are an
ordinary resident of Nagpur in terms of Sec 19 (b). Therefore, you can
be enrolled at Nagpur only and not in your native village.
Q. Can one be enrolled at more than one place?
Ans. No. A person
cannot be enrolled as a voter in more than one place in the same
constituency or in more than one constituency in view of the provisions
contained under Sec 17 and 18 of R P Act.
Q. I have shifted my residence recently. I have EPIC with the old address. Can I get new EPIC for the present address?
First of all, please ensure that you have enrolled yourself in the
Electoral Roll of the concerned constituency, where you are now residing
following due procedure. Subsequently, a new card at the present
address will be issued to you.
Q. My old EPIC is defective. I would like to have a new EPIC with correct particulars. What is the procedure?
Ans. You can get your I-Card rectified by depositing it in the office of the ERO concerned.
I do not have a ration card. Can I get enrolled without a ration card?
What are the other documents, which I can show as proof of my residence?
Ans. Ration Card is not necessary. However, you can show any other proof
of residence like passport, bank pass book, driving license etc or any
Government document to facilitate the work of registration.
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