‘Mayor is the ‘first servant’ of the city...’

* This day in the year 1952, the city’s first Mayor Barr S K Wankhede had appealed to all to set only one goal before them -- public service By Kartik Lokhande July 20 is an important date for Nagpur city. For, on this date in the year 1952, the city got its first Mayor after the municipal council got elevated to the status of Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC). As NMC celebrates 63rd year of that historic event on Monday, it is time to remind the city fathers about their responsibility, as outlined in simple words by the first Mayor Barrister S K Wankhede. After the city municipal council got elevated to the status of Nagpur Municipal Corporation, the first meeting of the ‘elected, appointed, and selected councillors’ of the corporation was held on July 20 (Sunday), 1952 at 12 noon in Raje Raghujirao Bhonsle Nagar Bhavan. In the same meeting, the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Standing Committee and five consultative committees were elected. Then, there were a t...